KPO Services

  • Financial Services
    • Loan Collectionreceiptreconciliation like for M/s. Fullerton.
    • KYC Documentation for Bill Discounting such as for Deutsche Bank.
  • Audits
    • Inventory Audits – Physical Verification of stocks and assets like for clients Family credit ltd, KKCL (Kewal Kiran Clothing ltd. – Brand KILLER JEANS)
    • Process Audits – Branch Vendor Audits like for M/s. Citibank, CRISIL etc.
    • ATM Cash & Site verification like for RBL Bank, AGS transact technologies Ltd etc
    • Vault Audits for M/s. PRISM payments
  • Audits
    • Inventory Audits – Physical Verification of stocks and assets like for clients Family credit ltd, KKCL (Kewal Kiran Clothing ltd. – Brand KILLER JEANS)
    • Process Audits – Branch / Vendor Audits like for M/s. Citibank, CRISIL etc.
    • ATM Cash & Site verification like for RBL Bank, AGS transact technologies Ltd etc
    • Vault Audits for M/s. PRISM payments
  • Due Diligence as is required by Financial sector companies like Western Union, Reliance Securities etc.
    • Location / Address verification through Physical visits.
    • Investment capability verification through Physical visits.
  • Act as Proxies for Custodial Service providers such HSBC, Deutsche Bank, JP Morgan, PNB Paribas, ICICI PRU MF etc.
  • Employee Verification / Address Verification service
  • Surveys –
    • ATM survey for footfalls count like for M/s. PRISM payments
    • Channel & Subscriber Survey Cable operator-wise like for M/s. ZEEL
Some of our customers : Citibank, Deutsche Bank, ICICI PRU, HSBC, SBI-SG global, CRY, CRISIL, Fullerton

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